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Joining a sorority in college is a life-changing experience, but garnering an education is the top priority for Kappa. This is why each chapter is expected to maintain academic standards equal to or higher than their university’s or college’s all-sorority GPA. Additionally, each chapter establishes a GPA requirement for active members. 

If a Kappa struggles academically, we help her through it. The Academic Excellence Team meets with her to craft an improvement plan using study tactics and time management. We want each sister to leave college with what they came for: a degree.

At the University of Waterloo, the Zeta Omega Chapter strives to maintain a minimum of 75% average. Although we ask that our members meet this average every term, we are also dedicated to supporting each of our sisters regardless of their GPA. Within the chapter, our ladies work with our Vice President of Academic Excellence and Education Chairman to meet our minimum average - whether by attending our weekly group study sessions (often complete with home-baked treats!), or in getting assistance from senior chapter members in similar fields. By working together to maintain a strong average, we support our sisters in pursuing their highest academic performance.